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Patient Information


The Knee

The knee is a complex joint composed of the femur, tibia, and patella. To facilitate smooth movement, the joint is cushioned by cartilage and menisci. Unfortunately, the knee is a common site for orthopaedic issues.



  • Osteoarthritis

  • Ligament Injuries

  • Recurrrent Patellar Dislocation

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Surgical Procedures

Common procedures conducted by The Knee Institute surgeons:

  • Arthroscopy

  • Knee Replacement

  • Ligament Repair and Reconstruction

  • Osteotomy

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Functional Assessments

Click the following links for more information regarding the functional assessments we conduct, in conjunction with the The Knee Institute & Jointli.

  • Return to Sport Assessment

  • Motion Capture

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Data Collection

Click the following links for more information regarding the measurements that we collect from patients for use in research:

  • What is involved with SORI data collection?

  • MRI/CT Scan/ X Ray

  • Outcome Scores

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